Action Plan


In order to achieve the goals of this thesis, I plan on completing a research paper, a small set of small-form game demos, and high-fidelity user interface design comps. These artifacts will be reviewed and tested by a group of game industry professionals, including some experts who are revered in the Interactive Design genre. A final analysis will be crafted in which findings are presented and described in detail.

Interactive Design & Game Development Studio 1

As part of this course of study, the initial thesis idea and statement will be conceived, researched, and prototyped.

Thesis Idea & Statement

These two aspects of the process are, of course, most important. By the end of Studio 1, a solid thesis document will be in place.


A large part of arriving at findings that both lead this thesis forward as well as provide direction towards a culmination of the results is in the research segment of the process. A thorough study of how real-time mechanics affect typical Interactive Fiction gameplay will be conducted.


All of the findings from the research phase of this project will be documented in a research paper. The paper will also include screenshots of gameplay as well as a detailed analysis of the real-time mechanics and how they affected gameplay.

  • Present the inherent problems in the current state of Interactive Fiction mechanics
  • Present the basic “gameplay” design and implementation

I would like to be able to iterate these ideas based on test-case feedback in order to inform the final design.

Interactive Design & Game Development Studio 2

During this phase of the process I will concentrate on developing the final presentation pieces of the thesis.

GAME DEMO Development

As stated, this thesis is intended to be proven via a research paper and a select set of playable game demos. In the event that certain game mechanics cannot be formed as playable games, high-fidelity user interface design comps will be created as substitutes.

  • Allow players to experience a sufficient set of gameplay experiences
  • Act as a test bed for playable real-time Interactive Fiction games
  • Become a map to creating a future playable real-time Interactive Fiction games

Interactive Design & Game Development MFA Thesis

When complete I would like to be able to use the findings of this thesis to inform Interactive Fiction game design in general. The inclusion of real-time mechanics in Interactive Fiction has the potential to completely change the face of Interactive Fiction design and development.

Published by

Tim Samoff

I teach and I do.

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